Game yang satu ini pasti banyak yang suka terutama Kaum Adam. Kayaknya tidak perlu dijelaskan secara detail tentang Game ini, Anda bisa lihat ScreenShot-nya dan yang berminat download, ada Link dari Mediafire, OK?
Sorry Gan, Gambar disensor dengan Tangan, bila Anda sudah Install baru Terbuka Sensornya!!!
Link Download Setup (84.2 MB):
=> I can only drag her by chest and help her when raining, I can't do anything else. How can I do the things in the preview video?
You have to raise her slave bar first (The 2nd bar), You can't do the other actions untill the slave bar reach a certain value. In the begining, You can try hang her up by chest, And drag the icon of "My Computer" to shock her, The slave bar will slightly incress. Then you will be able to do more things soon.
=> She messed up my desktop icons, I don't want her keep moving my icons.
You can stop her moving your icons by disable the "Interactive with icons" option in setting panel.
You can stop her moving your icons by disable the "Interactive with icons" option in setting panel.
=> I run the game, but the girl didn't showed up, why?
Please make sure the game were installed with a ENGLISH path.
Please make sure the game were installed with a ENGLISH path.
=> I don't have "My Computer" icon, Can I use other icons?
Yes, Any system icons will do the same thing, like Recycle icon.
=> I can't sex with her by windows in Win7, Does this game support Win7?
Yes, You can do everything in Win7. But the problem is, the folder window of Win7 is a kind of too wide to having sex with her, You might want to find a thinner one.
NOTES made by BVR
To Change Language into English, You should Right-Click Icon PoorSakura - Desktop, Click Menu "Option" and Change "u-{0Ee to English then Click that English Name until All Writings turned into English. See this ScreenShot: